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Tag - grammar

Structured Storytelling Enhances Early Literacy Development

A recent study (2020) shows that “when storytelling is combined with play-based activities, it can provide an effective stimulus for early literacy.” A team from the University of Twente, in The Netherlands, recently reported the findings after examining…

Children Are Now Reading Less Frequently

A recent survey by the National Literacy Trust, and reported in the Guardian, has found that “children today read less frequently than any previous generation and enjoy reading less than young people did in the past.” The survey…

Using PAIR To Engage Students During Covid-19 Isolation

The Covid-19 pandemic required teachers to run remote learning sessions with their students via Zoom group interactions. As a kindergarten teacher I was constantly on the lookout for material that would engage my kindergarten class online. I came…

PAIR Books Awarded, BCA Bioimages

Internationally acclaimed BioCommunications Association (BCA) have awarded Piscean Publishing the prestigious Citation of Merit honour for their books: ‘Amazingly Awesome Animals Africa’ and ‘Weirdly Wonderful Wildlife Australia’ in the category Graphic Media: Specialty. Bioimages is the international BioCommunication…

Its not what you read to a child … but how

In their research on adults’ styles of reading books to children, Reese, Cox, Harte, & McAnally (2003) concluded that literacy is one of the most important sociocultural tools children can acquire in Western society and a one that…

Grammar is Learned Very Early

Researchers from the University of Paris say their (2020) findings show babies are able to understand grammatical construction much earlier than was first thought. This may seem surprising as toddlers do not start stringing words together until they…