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Blog Posts

Parent Power

February 1, 2020
The work of Professor John Hattie, notable for his studies on Visible Learning, ranks parent engagement and support as a key factor in a child’s school achievement. Hattie believes that if parent engagement and support is consistent throughout…

Research Speaks Loud

January 28, 2020

The University of Melbourne has found a direct link between parents reading aloud to their pre-schooler and the child’s future…

Blog Posts

PAIR Books Awarded, BCA Bioimages

May 22, 2020

Internationally acclaimed BioCommunications Association (BCA) have awarded Piscean Publishing the prestigious Citation of Merit honour for their books: ‘Amazingly Awesome…

Blog Posts

PAIR Books Awarded, BCA Bioimages

May 22, 2020

Internationally acclaimed BioCommunications Association (BCA) have awarded Piscean Publishing the prestigious Citation of Merit honour for their books: ‘Amazingly Awesome…