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Basic Usage

This system (P.A.I.R.) really engages parent and child in a rich and meaningful task. Parents are given the skills to really develop a child’s understanding and love of books. Why hadn’t anyone thought of this sooner? We can now build closer relationships with our parents, students and the school.

School Prinicpal

Autoswitch 3 Seconds

This system (P.A.I.R.) really engages parent and child in a rich and meaningful task. Parents are given the skills to really develop a child’s understanding and love of books. Why hadn’t anyone thought of this sooner? We can now build closer relationships with our parents, students and the school.

School Prinicpal

Custom Testimonials Included

It was a fun, easy read. The large book means the text and images are easily identifiable. (My son) was engaged in the story from the start. (The corner questions) were great which usually led to further discussions. (The parent notes) made the conversation about the book smooth and coherent. (The vocabulary section) was fantastic. It made my job as a parent a lot easier. I would most definitely (recommend P.A.I.R.) to other parents. It makes reading fun and engaging. When can we get another book?
